
Motion for Reconsideration filed by Kidder Hill Community Wind

Kidder Hill Community Wind LLC (KHCW) has filed a motion to reconsider the order for incompleteness from the Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC). 

To summarize, the motion:

  • Recounts the history and substance of the KHCW petition for a certificate of public good (CPG), and the PUC's order of incompleteness;
  • Explains the basis and extent of the PUC's authority under current Vermont statutes;
  • Details why and how the KHCW petition provided more than the minimum information necessary to be deemed complete under Vermont law and Public Utility Commission rules;
  • Provides examples of past petitions that were approved and granted a CPG with less information provided than was provided by KHCW;
  • Requests the PUC reconsider its order of incompleteness and proceed to consider or contest the KHCW petition for a certificate of public good.

KHCW motion to reconsider Vermont Public Utility Commission order for incompleteness [PDF]




Topics: KHCW


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